Thursday, April 10, 2008


I have always been drawn to butterflies. Lately, they've been present in my life in several forms. It wasn't until today that I actually did a little research on their symbolism. I liked what this site in particular had to say. I found that butterflies symbolize transformation and metamorphosis. They represent a need for change and greater freedom and at the same time represent courage. Butterflies are also a symbol of joy and are a reminder that life is a dance and not take things so seriously. They have long maintained their standing as a symbol of the soul and rebirth.

I feel that I am on the verge of exciting transformations in my life, both for myself personally and with my love, Brian. I've not shared this in my writings here on my little blog, but i suppose now is an appropriate time to share the happy news. ;) I'm engaged! Brian designed this amazing wedding ring for me too! one of my favorite details is our initials that he drew to create a butterfly and had engraved on the inside of the ring. My mom loves butterflies too! I created this painting last week to give her after surgery that she actually had yesterday. She's recovering really well and we'll already be going home tonight. I'll be here in the great state of texas til monday visiting my wonderful family and getting my fix of tex mex and sunshine! I stayed at the hospital last night and was happy to discover that we had internet access in the room! I was up late reading some of my favorite blogs and came across an interesting post at Creative Thursday about Oprah's new book club. I've heard a lot of talk lately about the book, A New Earth : Awakening to your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle, but I hadn't yet taken the time to look more into it. Last night seemed like the perfect time. I watched Oprah + Eckhart's discussion about Chapter 6 online and it got me really excited about reading more of Eckhardt's teachings. I feel that I've really been searching for something like this in the past few months (or maybe it's just been adjusting to the winters in portland?) but no time is beter than the present for a litle soul searching!