Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Coraline Premiere

We had the opportunity to experience the premiere of Coraline last Thursday. It was a beautifully, magical and amazing evening! The movie was so happy and sweet and i thought Coraline was so adorable. I've included some pictures below from the night. All of the handmade sets from the movie were on display at the after party as well as the creative minds behind the characters. They were there with their work stations which was incredible to see as well. 72 seconds of film per week...i cannot imagine - and it's in 3d! very admirable work!


Cherry Runway said...

I've never even heard of this, but my gosh does it look amazing!

GREAT picture of you and the hubbie as well!! :)

modish said...

Very cool to see some behind the scenes action! I really liked that movie, yesiree... and don't you and Brian look swanky!

Unknown said...

oh wow! how cool! i bet it was amazing in person. i've been hearing so much about coraline lately!

pamela michelle said...

Oh, how awesome! I loved that movie. Must have been fun seeing all the behind the scenes, making of stuff.